HOLYOKE, MA — July 24, 2018 — Holyoke Medical Center Director of Emergency Services, Kelly F. Marcroft, RN, MSN, CEN, has been selected to join an expert panel to improve patient safety in emergency medicine. The panel was convened by the Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety, a Massachusetts state agency that catalyzes the efforts of providers, patients, and policymakers working together to advance the safety and quality of health care.
The goal of this expert panel is to develop, aggregate, and disseminate practical recommendations and tools to support the efforts of Massachusetts acute care hospitals to advance the safe delivery of emergency
care in their facilities. The Expert Panel will deliberate on and endorse a set of core safety competencies that all Massachusetts emergency departments should foster, as well as create a set of best practice standards, tools, and resources to share throughout the greater emergency medicine community in Massachusetts.
“The expert panel is collaboratively working together to address the overarching issues in emergency medicine and identify the best solutions in order to improve patient care,” said Marcroft. “I especially appreciate being an advocate for community hospitals, to ensure our patients’ needs are being heard.”
The expert panel consists of nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and doctors from several hospitals throughout the state, including Baystate Health, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Lowell General Hospital, Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, and UMass Memorial Medical Center. The group first met on June 26th in Boston and will continue to meet monthly over the next year.