Holyoke, MA, February, 2017 – The Holyoke Medical Center Oncology Department recently received a donation of over 150 hats from 14-year-old Holyoke resident Cameron Boucher.
Cameron, an eighth grade student at Granite Valley Middle School in Monson, was assigned to complete a community service project for school. He wanted to choose a project in memory of Danny Boyle, a Holyoke Firefighter who worked with Cameron’s father, Mike Boucher. Boyle, who was often seen sporting a baseball cap, lost his battle to brain cancer in 2008.
With the connection between Boyle and baseball caps, Boucher launched “Lids for Love” as his community service project. Donation boxes were placed at Holyoke City Hall, Holyoke Fire Department Headquarters and at Granite Valley Middle School in Monson.
“Danny was always a great big fan of baseball caps. Everywhere he went, he was usually informal and always had his hat on, especially Patriots and Red Sox,” said Debbie Boyle, widow of Danny Boyle. “His affinity to hats was long before he was diagnosed, but it was so very important to him while he was going through treatment and losing his hair.”
“We have never received this type of donation of baseball caps before, and we have a lot of men and women patients who will benefit from this donation. We really appreciate the contribution,” said Helen Arnold, Director of Oncology and Community Benefit.
All of the hats collected were donated to the Holyoke Medical Center Oncology Department, which will be distributed to cancer patients in need.
Photo: Cameron Boucher and Debbie Boyle with a sampling of the hats donated, all of which were individually placed into reseal-able plastic bags for the patients.