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HMC Blood Bank

The Blood Bank at Holyoke Medical Center is licensed by the ICCBBA and staffed with highly experienced, compassionate and detail-oriented medical technicians.

Holyoke Medical Center’s Blood Bank is one of the few hospitals in Western Massachusetts that have been approved by the FDA to accept donation of blood from hemochromatosis donors – people with an excess of iron in their blood whose therapy requires them to donate blood, which can then be used for HMC patients.

To give blood, you must be:

  • At least 16 years old and weigh at least 110 lbs.
  • Be free of major cold, flu and allergy symptoms
  • Eat breakfast and drink plenty of water the day you donate
  • Bring driver’s license or picture ID

The HMC Blood Donor Center is open:

Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Walk-in appointments may be available. Appointments are always encouraged. To make an appointment, please call 413-534-2591 or send an email to:

Blood Donors are encouraged to used the free valet parking available at the main entrance of the hospital.

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