Hospitalist Service
The Hospitalist Service at HMC is a team of physicians who work with Case Management, Quality Improvement, and other skilled health care professionals who deliver extraordinary care to our hospitalized patients.
Our Hospitalists are responsible for managing the quality of medical care while promoting efficient use of all the hospital’s resources. They are an integral part of the admission and discharge process. Hospitalists make daily rounds on all their patients and many times will round again later in their shift on those patients whose treatment needs are most acute. Ongoing communication with the patients’ primary care or referring physicians is a key factor in the success of our Hospitalist Service. Upon discharge, the patients return to their primary physicians for ongoing care.
The daily operations of the Service are managed by a physician Director, with Medical Quality oversight through HMC’s Medical Director. Our Hospitalists are Board certified in Adult Medicine or Family Practice Medicine. Some have additional specialized training in various specialties. Our Hospitalist Service provides care for more than half of HMC’s inpatients.